Action buttons
Streamline repetitive tasks with Action Buttons in Noloco
You can use Action Buttons in Noloco to perform specific actions, or groups of actions, on your records. They are a great way to cut down on the number of repetitive tasks that your users have to do and to reduce human error with automation.
These seemingly simply buttons can be used to perform one of 10 different tasks on a record page, or one of its related records. For example you can Create, View, Update, or Delete a record, add a comment to a record, Navigate to another record, Copy a record to the clipboard, Show an iFrame or, Scan a barcode
You can also create multi-step actions by combining several actions together which get triggered by a single click. For example you could add an action button, like Review & Publish
below, that allows you to review the name of a property and mark its status as active automatically.
Adding an Action Button
To add an Action Button to your project, first enable edit mode. Next, click on the record where you want to add your action. At the bottom of the record's properties there is a section for Action Buttons.
Click the "+" button to add a new Action Button and then click on the edit icon to configure the appearance and functionality of your new Action Button.
Configure an Action Button
Once you've added an Action Button you can configure the appearance and functionality of your button with the following options:
Button Text
The text that appears on the button
Static string of text
The colour of the button
Default - grey
Success - green
Warning - amber
Danger - red
The icon to show in the button (Optional)
Choose from one of our icons
The way the action button executes
One click - Action executes immediately
Modal - Confirmation modal pops up before execution
Modal Title
The title of the modal
Dynamic string of text
Modal Description
Additional text to include in the modal
Any markdown formatted text
Button Tooltip
Help text to show when the user hovers over the button
Any markdown formatted text
Declare whether or not to show a notification to the user
On or Off
Notification Type
Choose the appearance (color and icon) of your notification, or choose to show the user confetti for completing the action
Success - Green Information - Blue Warning - Yellow Danger - Red Confetti - Confetto
Notification Text
Text to show in the Notification
Dynamic string of text
What Should Happen
What action will be performed
Explained in the section below
Add an Action
Each Action consists of an Action Type, a Record and a Field. When you create a new Action you need to specify what should happen next, i.e. the Action Type. There are currently 10 supported record action types:
Delete a record
Add a comment or note
Navigate to
Run an on demand workflow
Show an iFrame
View a record
Copy to clipboard
The record: This is the record you'll be updating or deleting, usually it's the record on the page, but you can update or delete a related record (like a buyer in this example)
This record i.e. the record the Action Button is on
This record -> {related record name} i.e. a related record from the record the Action Button is on
The fields: Toggle on the fields you want included as part of the action button
One click create & update action buttons require hidden values to be set
Example Action Button
If an action button has multiple action steps, they can fill out the form fields required in each step and confirm each step before moving on. This makes it very easy to define multi-step workflows.
The final result of this action button can be seen below:
A simple button that allows you to modify the sell price of a transaction and then mark the transaction as closed
If your browser seems to block Navigate to
actions you may need to enable pop-ups in your browser for Noloco. Additionally you may need to disable browser extensions such as Loom to allow these actions to function as expected.
Hidden Field Values
Learn how to pass hidden field values for your action buttons here.
Last updated
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