Barcode Scanner

Scan a barcode or QR code with an action button

This action is available on the Business and Enterprise plan only

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The 'Scan a Barcode' action button action in Noloco allows users to scan barcodes and QR codes directly within the app, seamlessly storing the scanned values in your data. This feature enables users to either update the value of an existing record or create new linked records.

For instance, you can automatically store the value of a barcode on a record or tag multiple barcoded items to a record, such as linking items in a shipment. Additionally, the continuous scanning mode allows for uninterrupted scanning until the user proceeds to the next action or closes the scanning action.

Setting up a Scan a Barcode Action to Update a Record

Updating records with the 'Scan a Barcode' action button is straightforward and efficient. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Navigate to your Noloco app and go to the page where you want to add the scanning functionality.

  2. Add an action button to your page or collection

  3. In the Action Settings, choose 'Scan a Barcode' from the list of available actions.

  4. Select the record you want to update with the scanned barcode value.

  5. Map the scanned barcode value to the appropriate field in your record. This can be a text or number field

  6. Save your settings and test the action by scanning a barcode to ensure the value updates correctly in your record.

With these steps, your users can now scan barcodes to instantly update the relevant fields in your app's records.

Setting up a Scan a Barcode Action to Create New Records

Creating new records using the 'Scan a Barcode' action button can streamline your data entry process, especially when handling multiple items. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Go to your Noloco app and access the page where the barcode scanning action will be used.

  2. Add an action button to your page or collection

  3. In the Action Settings, choose 'Scan a Barcode'.

  4. Opt for the setting to create

  5. Define the type of record to be created with each scan. This should be related to the page you're on, such as inventory in a warehouse

  6. Map the scanned barcode value to the appropriate field in the new record.

  7. Optional: configure any other values that should also be set when the barcode scans

  8. Save your settings and test by scanning a barcode to ensure new records are created correctly.

This setup allows you to tag barcoded items to a single record efficiently, such as linking items in a shipment.

Scanning Multiple Barcodes

For scenarios where you need to scan multiple barcodes quickly, the 'Scan a Barcode' action button offers a continuous scanning mode. This mode remains active until you proceed to the next action or close the scanning action, enhancing productivity and reducing repetitive actions.

Enabling Continuous Scanning Mode

  1. Follow the steps above to configure the 'Scan a Barcode' action button.

  2. In the Action Settings, look for the option to enable 'Continuous scanning mode'.

  3. Activate this option.

  4. Save your settings and start scanning barcodes continuously until you decide to end the action.

Continuous scanning mode is ideal for inventory management, batch processing, and other use cases where multiple items need to be scanned efficiently.


Which barcode types are supported by the 'Scan a Barcode' action button? The 'Scan a Barcode' action button supports a wide range of barcode and QR code formats commonly used in various industries.

Can I use the 'Scan a Barcode' action button with mobile devices? Yes, the 'Scan a Barcode' action button is optimized for mobile devices, making it easy to scan barcodes using your smartphone or tablet.

How do I troubleshoot issues with the barcode scanner? Ensure your device's camera is functioning correctly, the barcode is clear and well-lit, and the 'Scan a Barcode' action is properly configured in your app settings.

Can I scan barcodes to update multiple fields in a record? Yes, you can map the scanned barcode value to multiple fields in a record, allowing for flexible and comprehensive data updates. This can be achieved by sequencing multiple scan barcode actions after each other

Is there a limit to the number of barcodes I can scan in continuous scanning mode? There is no hard limit to the number of barcodes you can scan in continuous scanning mode, but performance may vary based on device capabilities and network conditions.

Last updated