Email Settings

Configure the email templates and settings that your app uses to invite users

Noloco needs to send transactional emails to your app's users from time to time such as:

And possibly some other instances

These emails will come from but you can customize the name that the emails are sent from

Customize the Email From name

To customize the name that your Noloco emails are sent from, open the Email settings in your app and pick a name, usually this is your brand's name, or something like Sam from Evently

If you want to customize the email address, you will need to talk to us about setting up SMTP

Invitation emails

When you add a user to your Noloco app you can trigger to send an invitation email from the User table.

Depending on whether they are a Team Member / Builder, or not they will get one of the two email invitations in your app's email settings. The content of both of these emails can be customized to your liking using personalization tokens like first name, last name and related fields like company > name

Customer invitation email

This email will be sent to anyone without a Team Member role attribute and without a Modify App role attributed when they are invited to your app via the user table.

Internal Invitation Email

The internal invitation email template will be used to send to anyone who is not considered external (by the above definition). This means, anyone with the 'Team Member' role property, or 'Modify App' role property will be sent this email, which you can customize from the Email settings page

Last updated