
Learn how to use charts in Noloco

You can easily add charts to your Noloco apps both on collection views and on blank pages.

In this video, learn how to:

  • Configure the charts display option on collection views

  • Choose the perfect chart type for your data

  • Make charts take up the full-width of the screen

  • Use blank pages to add charts from different data collections

  • Filter chart data to only show data that meet certain criteria

  • Add visibility rules to control who can see specific charts

Where can I add charts to my app?

You can choose the charts display option on collection views and you can also add charts to blank pages.

If you want to add multiple charts to the same page pulling in data from different collections, you'll have to add a Blank page (as shown in the video) as opposed to using a collection view.

What chart types can I choose from?

You have six different options for charts in Noloco.

Line charts

Bar charts

Area charts

Donut Charts

Funnel Charts

Radar Charts

How to add a Chart dashboard to your app

1) Add a collection

2) Change the Display to Charts

3) Edit your first chart by clicking the pencil icon

4) Choose your 'Chart type' Select from Line, Bar or Area Charts as shown above.

5) X & Y Axis Values Choose which values should be displayed on the X axis (e.g. time). You can have multple series per chart, so you can choose a Y-axis value for each series. Don't forget to label your series! Below for our real estate app, we've chosen the listing status field for the X axis and have added 3 series, Start price, Solid Price and Price now

6) Provide context by adding a chart title and subtitle

Last updated